Tally Import Error : Incorrect / Invalid  file/folder path while importing xml file.

Solution : 

The error show that the copied file path of XML is incorrect, Please try following steps :

1.  Go to XML File

2.  Right click Property

3.  Go to Security

4. Copy the full object name  "c:\User....\filename.xml"

5. Paste this file name in tally and click import.

For Cloud Tally User:

You need to move the XML file to location where your cloud tally folder exists. You can request access to cloud tally folder  from your cloud tally provider.

The XML file need to be copied in tally cloud folder and then get the path of the file using above step. Paste the path in tally import.

For any additional support or help, Please feel free to reach our support team on whatsapp number. Thanks.